We love solving complex problems and empowering positive change.

Our Team

Leo Foureaux
Product Lead

Leo is a product designer, musician, balance seeker, and enthusiastic learner. Coming from a transdisciplinary background, Leo believes empathy and data are the Yin and Yang of good design.

Victor Paiva
UX Designer

Victor is a UX trainee with business administration experience. He combines his inquisitive mindset with a clear line of thought to turn ideas into action. Well, unless he's playing soccer or ping-pong-- then he's a monster.

Mateus Dal Bianco
Software Engineer

A talented software developer, music lover, cyclist, and yogi. Technology in its all forms has always had a special place in his life. He doesn't hesitate to take things apart to figure out how they work and to mess around with new patterns, tools, and concepts.

missing more diversity?

We too— and we're not proud of it :(
But that's about to change as soon as we start hiring. Stay tuned and thanks for trusting us.

Our Expertise

product management

Good products start with good planning & execution foundation. That's why our team is ready to lay-out strategic roadmaps and run Agile processes. We find the best way to connect with your existing departments while making sure we handle the cross-team communication up close.


As a team, we believe design is a combination of data and empathy. We use research as a cornerstone to create world-class interactive experiences and pixel-perfect interfaces that you could hang on a wall.

front-end development

Great digital experiences come from detail-oriented development. We make sure the products we create feel smooth and elegant. We code progressive and responsive webapps from existing APIs and CMSs.

Our Philosophy

  • horizontal workspace
    Leadership is not about hierarchy. Our team members can take (and let go of) ownership in a natural flow, nurturing a deeply collaborative workspace.
  • remote-first
    We believe everyone performs better when they're where they want to be. We've also discovered that working asynchronously made us more cohesive, focused, and aware of our workflow.
  • Work-a-wholism
    Great feats do require some sacrifices — but our mental health shouldn't be one of them. Shifting from deepwork sessions to laser-beamed meetings helps us work smart and avoid unecessary overtime hours.

Wanna take your product off the ground?

We've got rocket boosters.